Saturday, January 24, 2009


Excerpt from "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!"
Copyright 1962-2006, The Akurians;

2291 ""Yea! Though atrocities come by conspiracies and powers and authorities of governments and religions to inflict and defile the tribes, the peoples and the nations, the responsibility for one's own soul is upon their own head! And though atrocities come by conspiracies and powers and authorities of governments and religions, all are of instigations by individuals, and the whole of all the iniquities thereof shall I account upon those same individuals' heads!
2292 ""Nay! None shall escape their own responsibilities, and none who refuse their own responsibilities shall escape My Wrath and My Own Damnation! For they have brought My Wrath and My Own Damnation upon their own head!""

20 JANUARY 2009 - The Most Holy and Righteous Order of Akurians, the only such organization of which The Most High, Himself, will testify, has confirmed of The Most High that effective 23:00hrs Greenwich Mean Time (05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time) 20th of January, 2009 - 24 Tivet 5769, the United States of America has taken the Great Curse of Noah Upon Canaan (Genesis 9:25-27) upon themselves; upon their own heads at their own hands. All the damnations of that Great Curse are upon each and every household and upon each and every citizen regardless of race or status and will remain upon all their generations after them until Shiloh as it has upon the Black Races for thousands of years.

To remove this Great Curse, immediate full public repentance is required: with the immediate legal removal from office of each and every elected and appointed official who participated in bringing this Divine Damnation upon the citizens and the country by the citizens they deceived; as righteous action toward that repentance. Those who so endeavor shall escape the greater penalties of the Great Curse but shall not escape their due for permitting the Marxists to achieve power and consume the nation. In The Eye of The Most High the swindled citizens are equally guilty as the swindlers until their due repentance and righteous action show otherwise.

The complete texts of both the Great Curse of Noah Upon Canaan and the Great Curse of The Most High Upon Cush are contained in Chapter 40 of "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" - and how to remove both - are free on line. Every person on the planet is encouraged to read them to gain the proper understanding of the truth behind all global (socialist, demonic) endeavors, especially those involving the United States and its current Marxist Administration and Congress.

General Bobby Farrell

Monday, January 5, 2009

$400B Sent To Israel Ahead Of Lehman Bankruptcy!

U.S. Government supported and sponsored KAK JEW THIEVERY of billions of U.S. Taxpayer's dollars. KAK JEWS stealing the Nation's Wealth with the force of KAK JEW LAW! KAK JEW MEDIA saying nothing, KAK JEW GOVERNMENT doing less.

$400B Sent To Israel Ahead Of Lehman BK
The Voice of the White House

WASHINGTON, DC -- "There is a very serious aspect to the current economic collapse that no one wants to discuss, neither the economic pundits, the media or the scared politicians. This concerns an aspect of the subprime scams and, basically and stripped of euphemistic words and propaganda phrases, is that very large amounts of money from various banks and financial institutions and the owners and controllers thereof were, and are being, sent outside this country to a secure area. I am speaking most specifically of American business frantically sending, electronically, huge amounts of money to banks in Israel.

The three banks that are getting most of the stolen money are: Hapoalim group, Bank Leumi group, Discount Bank group. It is not necessary to mention that the senders are all Jewish and it should be noted that Israeli banking concerns practice strict banking security (see their Protection of Privacy Law, 1981 [PPL]) Under the PPL, "an infringement of privacy is, inter alia, a violation of an obligation to maintain secrecy regarding a person's private affairs, established by explicit or implicit agreement." The bank's obligation of secrecy extends not only to the details of the client's account but also to all transactions related to the account. In other words, if the US authorities want to know about this, they can bend over while the Israeli bankers drive them home.

And if the sticky-fingered ones decide to make a quick flight to Israel ahead of FBI investigators, like their new accounts, they are entirely safe. Note here that Israel does not extradite its citizens. But it does allow prosecutions in its own courts for crimes committed abroad. None of this information is really secret but is well-known to investigative bodies such as the Department of State and the FBI. Currently,U.S. law-enforcement personnel and prosecutors, who fear that Israeli-oriented economic criminals will use the Jewish state as a refuge.

Lehman Brothers Shipped Off $400B Just Before Bankruptcy - Nice!
By Linda Sandler
September 27, 2008

Bloomberg -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s brokerage unit, in the months before its parent filed for bankruptcy protection, lost more than $400 billion in assets, according to the trustee overseeing customer accounts.

Lehman's holding company filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15 claiming $639 billion in assets, using four-month-old data. The wholly owned brokerage unit shrank to less than $100 billion in assets from $500 billion "a few months ago," according to a Sept. 19 court statement by James Giddens, the trustee overseeing the settling of Lehman brokerage customer accounts by the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

The loss in value was caused by "changes in the market," according to Giddens, a partner at law firm Hughes Hubbard & Reed, who spoke at a bankruptcy court hearing in Manhattan. The runoff may indicate Lehman's customers, including many hedge funds, canceled and closed out trades as they began to doubt the firm's ability to navigate the credit crunch, bankruptcy analysts and lawyers said.

"There was the proverbial run on the bank" at Lehman, said Martin Bienenstock of the law firm Dewey & LeBoeuf, who is advising clients including Walt Disney Co. on recovering their money from Lehman. There was a similar capital flight from Bear Stearns earlier this year, he said.

Most of Lehman's pre-bankruptcy assets were securities, according to its balance sheets. Lehman said on Sept. 10 that the consolidated gross assets of the firm stood at $600 billion and net assets at $311 billion. The difference between net and gross is the so-called matched book, which is overnight lending or securities pledged for overnight borrowing.

THE SITUATION: $400 Billion (USC) Dollars of investor's money is stolen by Lehman Brothers and transferred to Israel amid false claims of 'market changes' (losses) followed by notification of 'bankruptcy' that sent the Wall Street thieves into a Kak Jew-Controlled grab-government-money (while there is some) as planned, endorsed and perpetrated - with malice and economic espionage against the United States aforethought - by the very agencies established and empowered to PREVENT this kind of blatant criminal activity: The Fed, SEC, IRS, ITC, and scads of 'administrative oversight' layers of bureaucracy, bank examiners, FHA, insurance commissioners, and the list is all but endless.

The FED led the parade of BLACKMAIL with its threats of dark consequences lest there be an immediate payment of the EXTORTION - in full with no strings attached - bantered at $700/800 Billion Dollars knowing the actual thievery from investors was about $2-Trillion Dollars which would 'require' some $8-Trillion Dollars to 'cure' or the entire U.S. (and World) economy would collapse within the next few microseconds.

Duly delivered by our Kak Jew-Controlled Congress, exactly as OUR OWN GOVERNMENT EXTORTIONISTS demanded, whereupon the banks and insurance companies now had TAXPAYER'S MONEY and the 'assets' they had swindled the programmed ignorant (dumbed down) victims into knowingly unpayable variable-rate debt. Although presented by the Kak Jew Media as a "buy out" of those mortgages from the lenders - which SHOULD have gotten the victims out from under their mortgage loan obligations - the bankers, lenders and insurance companies went on a spree of buying up other financial institutions with what money they didn't put in their own off-shore pockets.

And HOW do these Kak Jew thieves get away with it? By what we call the Kak Jew to Kak Jew to Kak Jew Circle of Circumstance. A Kak Jew thief steals under the watchful eye of a Kak Jew who sees 'nothing' and reports to another Kak Jew to make sure that should anyone 'report' or 'complain' about their missing money or property, that 'report/complain' is delivered to another Kak Jew who will take more time than Creation itself to 'investigate' and find nothing either. Should the heat be up sufficient to gain public suspicion or action, then the layer after layer of Kak Jew protection relies on the Kak Jew Media to dispense the 'all is well' news by another series of Kak Jews or Kak Jew Puppets. Where ever it comes from and where ever it goes, from the source to the finish, it's an endless circle of Kak Jews protecting Kak Jews with the force of law.

For those of you who lost your share of that $400 Bill via Lehman Brothers - the &8 Trillion to come and all the rest - look for it to be buried under layer after layer of hook noses. Finding it won't help. None of that money will ever be returned to any legitimate victim, nor will any of the thieves see one minute of jail time or restitution. Don't kid yourself, Mr. Madoff isn't an example that we are wrong; he is at death's door and the money he stole is well hidden for his family. Bank on it ……

The Akurians.

Sunday, December 14, 2008



It was Marxists - mostly Levites and Jews - who manipulated the near-total stranglehold on the Germany economy that brought National Socialism to power and brought the Holocaust down upon millions of other Levites and Jews who had nothing to do with those conspiracies and no voice whatsoever about it.

We have the same scenario in the United States since the Founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 under Rockefeller and Rothchild financial holdings. The R&R stranglehold now includes the United States Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Securities Exchange Commission, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service, US Marshals Office, all federal and local Bank Examiners and Insurance Commissions and the United States Prosecutors and Courts and Major Media. A total stranglehold of Marxist to Marxist to Marxist conspiracy, collusion, economic espionage, propaganda, protection and cover up.

And now: WHO are the Puppet Masters pulling all the control strings of this current DELIBERATELY MANUFACTURED Washington/Wall Street/Global economic disaster? Certainly not the known liars, thieves, conspirators and economic espionage traitors we see hawked and endorsed via major media; none of those are really that intelligent and even though well paid, protected and compensated they are public patsies at best.

Quoting from "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" (AED) - free online - Copyrighted and posted to the internet 2006:

7743 Let's start with Super Traitor David Rockefeller, addressing The Trilateral Commission (which he founded in 1973 with Zbigniew Brzezinski as Executive Director), June, 1991:
7744 "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
7745 "But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
7746 Quoting his confession, "Memoirs," © 2002, Random House. Page 405, Trade Paperback edition:
7747 "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
7748 "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
7749 "If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it." (Emphasis ours.)
7750 How do you like buying and paying for your own Legislated Enslavement dictated by David Rockefeller and the other assorted bastards who own and control every level of government, finance, business and industry from the White House to the poisoned racket crammed over the airwaves under the guise of music and entertainment?
7751 And there is hard support! Here's an absolutely treacherous example:
7752 Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU, stated:
7753 "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
7754 And now you know WHO the current Paymaster is for all those government-perpetrated murders and other atrocities! Only a being of the most vile-demon-possessed would even consider such a thing against any living creature: and all those mentioned above qualify beyond even Lucifer's satisfaction! The fact The Most High is going to burn the lot of them doesn't deter their damnations, treasons, murders and other atrocities one damned bit.
7755 The United States is eyeball deep in the above mentioned cess as you read these very words. If you can't wake up, then at least BEWARE! Nobody can run from this TRUTH and there's no place to hide your head in the sand.

Did you get the "intellectual elite" and "world bankers" above? This is what happens when Marxists get in charge of anything, be it a government, a government agency, a government's financial system, a private sector monopoly or the media. When you find a Marxist you have found a SOCIALIST. When you find a SOCIALIST you have found a DEMON-POSSESSED! When you have found a DEMON-POSSESSED in charge of and protected by fellow Marxist government authorities and resources YOU bought and paid for (taxpayers, wake up!) you are doomed to the whims of Satan/Lucifer and their atrocities upon you and yours will never end until YOU END IT!

And Marxists in the White House, Presidential Cabinet and Marxist loaded Congress - as we have now - is NOT the solution! The WEALTH they are spreading among themselves is YOURS!

Colonel Robert F. Cunningham
New Mexico Legislative District 14, Precinct 46
1826 Poplar Lane SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105 USA
Tel: 505-247-4843

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Republican Party Shambles!

The Republican Party is a shambles from top to bottom, as it damned well should be. It deserves each and every loss, and it deserves full public retaliation of liability for selling out the nation and letting the citizens down across the board. True to form, the very 'leaders' who masterminded and engineered the massive house cleaning of the Republican Party, November 4th, 2008, are the same clowns crowing "what we need to do to restore the party" at full volume, with due socialist media support. If their idiocies are so damned accurate, then WHY did the party get cleaned? where was all this 'expertise' during the past eight years and specifically during the past two-plus years of campaigning? and why wasn't it applied to our success and victory?

The answer to all three questions is: IT'S POPPYCOCK! Pure, socialist damnation poppycock mealy mouthed by dunderheads on direct orders from handlers who have the morality of a brick.

I resigned in protest from the Republican Party when one of the few truly honorable men in the state, Fernando C de Baca, was forced to resign from the Bernalillo County Party Chair for making an historically accurate statement that under today's socialist regime is considered politically incorrect. That's right. Historical TRUTH must now be politically correct regardless of the facts. Instead of standing up against such morally and intellectually bereft nonsense, the Party Holier-Than-Thous screamed the loudest for his head. The rest of us were supposed to be goody-goody little Republicans and wring our hands that Fernando had spoken some unspeakable that might offend two or three numb skulled liberals.

For years when I lit both the Bernalillo County Republican and New Mexico State Party Conventions with the fact the party was totally out of touch with rank and file voters and the country, I duly received a unanimous nodding in agreement, with the same intention and intelligence of the wobble-head donkey on a low-rider's dashboard. Objection to, and debate of, the 'leaders' direction of the party, were ignored and summarily dismissed from the agenda. Nobody in 'authority' wanted the party regulars to even discuss anything that did not fully endorse the candidate's self-appointed motives and agenda; nor to hold any candidate's feet to the fire for their glaring failures, damned lies and acts of outright treason. The Komrades were to be approved and glorified, and that was that. You were allowed to whine about issues as long as you didn't suggest any solutions other than the party line, which looks like plagiarism from Marx & Engels. Rank and file voters were supposed to vote the party's 'choices' because they were told to. Simple as that.

And this time we went right down the road to defeat. Now the nation is not far behind.

Such is the Republican Party today. The United States as a whole is politically center-right unless driven to either extreme by crackpot antics of whichever party is in power. The Democrats didn't elect a full-blown Marxist to the White House and give him a Party Congress to endorse his every socialist whim, the Republicans did! If party regulars and rank and file refuse to ship these bonehead 'leaders' into the eternal trash bin, the Republicans will have secured the Marxists a second term - if the nation survives long enough to hold that election.

Can the Republican Party be rebuilt? Yes! In time for the 2010 elections? Yes! And we have to start now. Remember, we are Free Americans before we are Republicans and healing the party requires the same changes needed to heal the nation.

First, for the party: de-idiot and de-socialist the entire leadership from top to bottom. Hold Special Conventions from the precinct and wards up as soon as possible. To hell with scheduled conventions, we need to act TODAY, not next year or worse yet, in the very few months of the so-called political season. Delay is loss, total loss. Again. The nation's freedoms, liberties and Constitution cannot survive the Marxist onslaught in power for another eight years. Within two years the nation will be an abject socialist disaster, within four we will be a fourth world country at best, and at the end of eight we will be a memory of what the world could, and should, have been. Don't let appearances deceive you, even a house of cards looks solid from the outside.

First, for the nation: restore the Constitution of the United States of America across the board. Restore both responsibility and liability to those we elect and those the elected appoint. Congress has spinelessly legislated most of its greatest responsibilities to either the Administration or the Judicial Branches, and such antics need to be called into account and stopped from further decay. Don't let any whining socialist liar even suggest the restoration of the Constitution would put slavery back into effect or would deny any citizen the right to vote. That is just so much socialist smoke screen diversion and the perpetrators damned well know it. To accomplish this to any degree of competence, we must remove the only-lawyers-on-the-bench Judicial provisions that turned an entire third of our government, the Judicial Branch, over to one single educated class: socialist attorneys. We've been buried in 'crime' and socialist 'crime preventions' that only apply to non-government citizens ever since.

Second, eliminate the socialist-platform damage inflicted upon the nation since Wilson, starting with Bill Clinton's NAFTA that destroyed the production capability of the nation as it devastated our free enterprise economy. Next is George W. & Company: to wit, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, House Bill 1955/Senate Bill 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 - better known as the THOUGHT POLICE ACT - the Military Commissions Act; North American Union and any and all such legislated enslavement bills and proposals. And they are legion. Social Security must be maintained until it can justifiably be phased out.

Third, strip the President of the right to instigate and continue wars with little or no accountability other than socialist media coverage. Restructure our Constitution to remove the foreign-treaties-are-law-of-the-land provisions that constantly require more military expense than the end political results, especially our own security, justify. The Military, which has nothing to do with the Second Amendment except in times of crisis when local Militia/National Guard may be called to duty, must be kept at maximum strength for the United States' interests and not the interests of any other foreign political agenda. Refurbish and reequip our military and eliminate as many civilian contracts from the military as possible, starting with food and medical services.

Fourth, return to the States those issues that belong to the States: education, marriage, abortion, driver's licenses, birth and death accountability, et cetera; and remove such issues as voter registration and election standards from the states to ensure: (1) an accounting system that has a paper trail; (2) results are not released until each machine has been proven to vote the voter's choices rather than some other digital pre-set; and (3) results are not released until the last poll of the nation has been closed and results have been verified. Put sufficient teeth in voter fraud statutes and enforcement. None of this is as expensive as the socialists will whine nor as difficult as vote frauders will claim. Interstate infrastructure, ecology, waterways, watersheds, highways, railroads, energy and transport must be considered in a national perspective without turning local police authority into a police state.

Fifth, call a spade a spade. Massive illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico being a prime example. The problem is as simple as the cure. Problem: Mexico has a Marxist economic system. The millions of illegals aren't hard core criminals under flight to avoid prosecution, they are victims trying NOT to starve to death! Cure: shut down Mexico's Marxist economic system; and with our own Wall Street-Cleaning (next on the list) perhaps we can document once-and-for-all that neither Marxism nor any of its socialist fallout scenarios are viable options except at the point of a government gun in the face of an unarmed citizen victim.

Sixth, put our own economic house in order beginning with the lobbyists. A severe Wall Street-cleaning is an absolute must beginning with extermination of the privately-owned Federal Reserve System. The 'bailout' must be changed to a "bail in" in favor of taxpayers and free enterprise system that made us the world leader - until we Marxed, Engeled and Socialized it into oblivion. Hard on the heels of that change in public and private policy, eliminate the greatest source of organized crime in the nation: the Internal Revenue Service, by redefining and restructuring the nation's tax codes from start to finish; and eliminate the 'revenue sharing' nonsense that permits Federal blackmail of States, Counties and local governments. As for the private sector, we must abolish the practice of making more money from stock manipulation than sales of products or services of the company; and "derivatives" in both banking and lending institutions must be abolished entirely. Health Care and insurance companies must be forced to compete in an open Free Enterprise Market and do so without special interest legislated loopholes to rob this client and deny the next.

Seventh, focus of the phony war on drugs must be redirected toward importers and bank money launderers. Disease epidemics, including the annual flu scam, must be abolished by breaking the stranglehold on both information and practices of totally incompetent government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration and reputedly private American Medical Association. Natural and nutritional treatments and cures must have purity and content standards, with severe penalties, that cannot be bought out of criminal litigation as was done with the L-Tryptophan murders and the now never-publicly-mentioned Chinese melamine murders.

Eighth, bring government back under control of the People as prescribed in the Constitution and eliminate any and all out-of-control agencies and operations, prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law that would apply to any non-government citizen, all those who were/are involved with such covert and overt activities: to wit, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, WTC, the Kennedy and King murders and their respective cover-ups among others. Unless we clean government house including the front and back door steps and put the manipulators, corrupt, and liars in those many prisons our all-lawyer 'courts' have required, we shall never have any government at any level that can be trusted farther than one can kick the Rock of Gibraltar.

If the Republican Party fails to set this agenda, and fails to do it while we have limited time, the Republican Party must assume the responsibility, liability and the blame for the irrevocable fall of the United States the fully Marxist Democrat party is hell bent on. Restructuring and redirection of the Republican Party cannot be accomplished from the top down. It must be done point by point from the bottom up. Registered Republican voters attending ward and precinct meetings to vote changes and select local officers; then attending the County and State Conventions to hold ward and precinct officer's feet to the fire, who in turn must hold County, State and National officer's tootsies to the toast, is the one and only solution.

Being mad - and loud - helps tremendously regardless of the socialist's preferences of calm, quiet, weak-kneed obedience. Be mad and stay mad until you personally experience the government guaranteed by the Constitution, free of corruption, free from abuse, and the nation debt free from generations of socialist bondage.

Colonel Robert F. Cunningham (DTS)
NM Legislative District 14, Precinct 46
Post Office Box 3456
Albuquerque, NM 87190 USA
Tel: 505-796-4651

Friday, October 24, 2008


Proven Knower
Post Office Box 3456
Albuquerque, NM 87190 USA
Tel: 505-796-4651

Divine Truth: Each and every disaster on this planet, other than Acts of God, political, ethnic, racial, religious, educational, economic, including the vast majority of famines are the end result of Marxist - socialist, communist, fascist - agendas. Each and every one. The failure of global economies, country by country: the failure of educational systems, preschool through post-graduate: wars, political and religious: persecutions, racial hatreds, ethnic cleansings: are all the end result of Marxist, socialist, communist or fascist policies, controls and enforcements. Control the money (control the food) = control the people.

To Wit: The epidemic of illegal immigration from Mexico into the United States has many lies but only one real cause: the Marxist Economy of Mexico! Those masses aren't criminals by intent or malice aforethought, they are victims trying to escape the tyranny and economic disaster of the Marxist Economy of Mexico.

To Wit: The already-failed financial bailout of United States' financial institutions is Marxist Socialism in action, just as it is in every other nation in the same economic mess, created and predicated by Marxists in both the governments and private sectors to achieve TOTAL Global Enslavement. The recent bailout of Wall Street wasn't the failure of Capitalism, but a failure of
Marxist policies:
like Bill Clinton's NAFTA that sent millions of jobs out of the country; Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac being required to make insolvent loans; and Sallie Mae to use extortion level interest rates and KGB tactics (reputed private funding using the IRS to collect!). Marxism, pure and simple.

To Wit: The Marxist-controlled Major Media is already worthless to the citizens as a source of accurate information or truth. Open and blatant lies of, QUOTE - fair and balanced - most trusted - we report, you decide - UNQUOTE are prima facie evidences of the Marxist-control as the very reports opened and closed with such damned lies clearly document, except to the most idiotic of minds. One of the grandest of all Major Media lies is their phony whine about political correctness being such a detriment, yet THEY are the ones who practice it the most! Why? Marxist control to legally eliminate Freedom of Speech: example by example, encroachment by encroachment, restriction by restriction, precedent by precedent and law by law.

To Wit: The Marxist-controlled Educational System is doing its assigned job exactly as the Marxists in our government and around the world dictate. View the presentation -- -- and understand for yourself that YOU and YOURS are not only the intended victims, you're paying the costs and expenses to victimize yourself without any recourse, legal or otherwise. UNTIL YOU WAKE UP!

Once empowered, the Marxist's first target is the individual, to remove any and all free thought, specifically religious thought and conviction, with an immediate total disarmament (gun control) to prevent any and all resistance against the uncountable Marxist tyrannies. Churches and religions will be tolerated only if they comply with all godless Marxist dictates and NEVER speak against wholesale government murders and atrocities, including 'elected' and appointed officials, corrupt police, courts and bureaucracies.

The hard and irrevocable fact is that only Republican John McCain or Democrat Marxist Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. We do not endorse John McCain, it's one more round of the lesser of two evils which is still evil. Marxist Barack Obama in the White House will dispose of what is left of the Constitution of the United States and with Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court, that disposal will stand. Neither the United States, Freedom, Liberty, Free Enterprise, nor the rest of the world can afford - nor survive - Marxist Barack Obama in the White House.

Permit Marxist Barack Obama to achieve the White House, and Marxist Barack Obama's tax increases guarantee a TOTAL Economic Depression just like it did under the set-up of President Hoover and carried out by the same Marxist design by Franklin Roosevelt. He will institute Legislated Enslavement under already-prepared Martial Law to be enacted at the slightest pretext, even if government perpetrated, close all churches and silence all publications and broadcasts that are not 'approved' starting with religion and news-talk. This is Marxist One World Government SOCIALISM and the immediate future of the United States should Marxist Barack Obama be elected President.

Therefore, the Akurians have approached all the third-party Candidates and Organizations: requesting them to withdraw from the Presidential General Election and put their support behind John McCain to prevent putting Marxist Barack Obama in the White House. His policies and record are clear: he is a dedicated Marxist fully knowing the many murders and atrocities Marxism has brought upon the world to deprive the planet of even the vestiges of true Freedom or true Liberty. Barack Obama is a documented Marxist. His pretence of religion is just that, pretence. Compare everything he advocates against the Marxist Manifestos and document the fact yourself.

You have a voice, and should Marxist Barack Obama be empowered to bring this Beast of Revelation upon this nation and the world during your Watch, The Most High, Himself, will account your contribution, or lack of it, upon your head in That Great Judgment. Read it loud and clear from the same 13th Chapter foretelling the all-controlling Beast of Revelation.

Revelation 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Revelation 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

A vote for or endorsement of Marxist Barack Obama is a leading into Marxism and then to a One World Government of the Beast of Revelation. The patience and faith of the saints is sure and simple: those who WILL be silenced, enslaved, starved, murdered, raped, abused, robbed of their own earned production and denied justice by those they choose to accept in power over them DESERVE and WILL GET it in full measure.

Proven Knower.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Proven Knower
Post Office Box 3456
Albuquerque, NM 87190 USA
Tel: 505-796-4651

Friday, April 2nd, 1965 (GCAD)

Given decades ago directly out of The Mouth of The Most High (double quotes), suppressed and ignored by all major media, organized religions and political parties. The coming horrors are no longer beyond the horizon, but breaking down the strongest doors. The financial crisis (bailout) and political elections are prominent. Check the date (above) and check the copyrights, and remember TRUE PROPHECY must be 100% accurate in every detail given.

Quoting from "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" (AED) Paragraphs 2017-2023; only six paragraphs given over forty years ago … and now glaringly obvious to even the most numb-minded as it always has been to the Akurians, the Perpetrators and their Puppets.

2017 ""First: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, I shall deliver the entire House of Joseph unto the manner of thinking of the Muscovites [socialists]. By the very hand of Judah within the House of Joseph shall I do it with their own vain laws and establishments!

[Explanation: Doctrines of Death = Catholicism, Christianity, Islam …]
[Explanation: My Holy Statutes = Holy Law as contained in the first five Books of the Bible.]
[Explanation: House of Joseph = United States (Ephraim) and United Kingdom (Manasseh).]
[Explanation: Muscovites = (Russia) MARXISM!]
[Explanation: Judah = House/Tribe of Levi and House/Tribe of Judah (Jews) who have infected every element of both United States and United Kingdom governments.]

2018 ""Second: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, I shall raise up the anger of the Curse upon Accursed Canaan and the Curse upon Accursed Cush and establish the fall of the House of Joseph in the burning of the cities, orchestrated by the Muscovites [socialists] and paid for by the sweat of the producers of the House of Joseph! And that debt shall be grievous to bear!

[Explanation: burning of the cities = 150 cities in riot at the same time and nobody 'in authority' could find any evidence of organization or collusion.]
[Explanation: Curse upon Accursed Canaan = (Genesis 9:18-27) Full Text, not contained in the Bible, is in Chapter Forty of the AED translated directly out of Angelic as recorded in the Book of Life (Akashic Records).]
[Explanation: Curse upon Accursed Cush = Cush was a brother of Canaan; Full Text, not even mentioned in Hebrew History, also in Chapter Forty, along with how to eliminate both Curses forever.]
[Explanation: And that debt shall be grievous to bear! = Anybody paying attention to the costs of all these grand-sounding but crackpot socialist 'programs' that accomplish nothing but future debt and the destruction of the United States' economy?]

2019 ""Third: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, I shall establish even more stupid and even more unjust laws in the vile and corrupt Courts of the House of Joseph! And make both the law and the courts a socialist mockery unto all the high and mighty and a stock and pillar unto all the powerless!

[Explanation: doesn't need any. If you don't understand this, you're too stupid to understand much of anything.]

2020 ""Fourth: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, then I shall eliminate all the qualities and standards of excellence in the houses of education until they are but an expensive requirement, producing fools and moral degenerates! Yea, because Joseph shall prefer the stupidities of the Muscovites [socialists] at the vile and greedy hands of Judah, shall I permit the pollution of the minds and morals of the children unto the desecration of their very souls!

[Explanation: one more doesn't need any explanation! The socialists who "lowered all the educational standards" knew exactly what they were doing to the deliberate detriment of the entire Nation and for the advancement of documentably unworkable Marxist communism and fascism.]

2021 ""Fifth: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, then in the social and public places shall I establish the profanities of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush, even in the wombs of the harlot daughters of the House of Joseph! And then shall I establish the profanities of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush in the homes and highways throughout the land that I, Myself, shall witness the filth and the degeneracies of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush be absorbed into the soul of the House of Joseph! And their offspring shall be polluted: hybrid mongrels without souls and of low caste! They shall not reproduce in like manner unto themselves, for they are of impure line and defiled seed; and their loins have I not Blessed! Neither shall any such stand before My Holy Altar, nor shall they ever enter into the Temple or into My Presence, neither the profaned child nor the parents thereof nor the ancestors of the parents who approve or condone these vile and disgusting abominations in My Sight! Lo! I will visit their sins upon their children forever! For this is the great Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit of Truth, which sin shall not ever be forgiven! And when the blood of the House of Joseph is weakened with the polluted blood of the House of Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush, the mountains made of molehills of every supposed chink in their armor by the socialists shall overwhelm them!

[Explanation: harlot = a moraless female who has no sexual or other moral limitations.]
[Explanation: hybrid mongrels without souls and of low caste! = Just exactly that. No hybrid, animal, vegetable or human will breed true; and The Most High testifies that hybrid mongrels are without souls - not to be confused with a living consciousness.]

2022 ""Sixth: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, then in all the money changing institutions shall I reveal the treasons of the high merchants and their bankers, even as the leech sucks the blood of its victim shall the high merchants and their banks suck the life blood of production from the laborers of the House of Joseph and emburden the children of the House of Joseph with debt that can never be extinguished!

[Explanation: then in all the money changing institutions shall I reveal the treasons of the high merchants and their bankers, = if anyone needs an explanation of that one, it's because they've been living in a concrete broom closet or believing anything broadcast by the Major News Media.]

2023 ""Seventh: because they have walked in the ways of the Doctrines of Death and not walked in the ways of My Holy Statutes, with vain wars shall I destroy the pride of the power of the House of Joseph, slaying the prime of their youth and leaving the empty agonizing hulks of those who survive their vain wars to be a misery unto themselves and a constant reminder of the corruption of governments before the eyes of the people! Yet, they will not see, being willfully blinded by the foolishness and glorified degeneracies of Accursed Canaan, Polluted Cush, greedy Judah and infidel Muscovites [socialists]!""

[Explanation: with vain wars shall I destroy the pride of the power = Iraq, anyone? Afghanistan, another NO-WIN strategy as tested in Korea, perfected in Vietnam, rehearsed in Desert Storm and soon to be applied again in Iran, Venezuela and here in the United States as Martial Law.]

All we have to do to fulfill this prophecy is to put a Soulless Marxist in the White House. There is time and room for CORRECT REPENTANCE, and full instructions are contained free online for all who will take the time to do it. If we fail, we fully deserve the horrendous damnations we will have brought upon our own heads. We can't plead ignorance.

Proven Knower.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Proven Knower
Only The Akurians Have The Personal Testimony of The Most High!
Post Office Box 3456
Albuquerque, NM 87190 USA
Tel: 505-796-4651 – The Akurians Blog Board - Main Page – Entire Text of the AED

The hard and irrevocable fact is that only Republican John McCain or Democrat Marxist Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. Marxist Barack Obama in the White House will dispose of what is left of our Constitution and with Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court, that disposition will stand. Neither the United States nor the rest of the world can afford - nor survive - Marxist Barack Obama in the White House.

Personal Freedom and Liberty will evaporate like morning mist in the desert.
Marxist Barack Obama's tax increases guarantee a TOTAL Economic Depression just like it did under President Hoover.
He will institute Legislated Enslavement under already-prepared Martial Law to be enacted at the slightest pretext, even if government perpetrated.
This is Marxist One World Government SOCIALISM and the immediate future of the United States should Marxist Barack Obama be elected President.

Therefore, the Akurians have approached all the third-party Candidates and Organizations:

Boston Tea Party: Charles Jay;
Constitution Party: Chuck Baldwin;
Green Party: Cynthia McKinney;
Libertarian Party: Bob Barr;
New American Independent Party: Frank McEnulty;
Party for Socialism and Liberation: Gloria La Riva;
Prohibition Party: Gene Amondson;
Reform Party: Ted Weill;
Socialist Party USA: Brian Moore;
Socialist Workers Party: RĂ³ger Calero;
Independents: Alan Keyes, Frank Moore, Ralph Nader, Kelcey Wilson, Donald K. Allen, Richard H. Clark, Jon Greenspon, Steve Kissing, Brad Lord-Leutwyler, Tom Millican and Ruth Bryant White; requesting them to withdraw from the Presidential General Election and put their support behind John McCain to prevent putting Marxist Barack Obama in the White House. His policies and record are clear: he is a dedicated Marxist fully knowing the many murders and atrocities Marxism has brought upon the world to deprive the planet of even the vestiges of true freedom or true liberty.

Examples To Wit: The Mexican illegal emigration problem is because Mexico has a Marxist economy! The recent bailout of Wall Street wasn't the failure of Capitalism, but a failure of the Bill Clinton's Marxist policies: NAFTA that sent millions of jobs out of the country; Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac being required to make insolvent loans; and Sallie Mae to use extortion level interest rates and KGB tactics (reputed private funding using the IRS to collect!). Marxism, pure and simple. And Barack Obama is a documented Marxist.

Proven Knower